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OJAS is the creative pen name of Devon Turnbull. As a university student studying Audio Engineering he started using the name across a variety of disciplines including graffiti, music, graphic design and clothing design. In 2003 Turnbull co-founded the clothing brand Nom de Guerre with Isa Saalabi, Wil Whitney and Holly Harnsongkram. For the next decade, while primarily working in fashion, the name OJAS was kept alive on sound sculptures Turnbull was crafting for himself and a growing number of audio enthusiasts around the world. With a particular interest in high efficiency speakers and low powered tube amplifiers, Ojas audio equipment aims to bring realistic, natural sound to the listener. These products are the result of two decades of experimentation, engineering and explorations in the audio underground.
Devon Ojas Instagram
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The Nature of Sound

Sound is considered to be of two kinds, one a vibration of ether the other a vibration of air.
The vibration of ether which cannot be perceived in the physical sense, is considered the principle of all manifestation the basis of all substance the “music of the spheres” it forms permanent numerical patterns which are the basis of the worlds existence, this kind of vibration is not caused by physical shock as are audible sounds. It is therefore called anahata “unstruck”, the other kind of sound is an impermanent vibration of air, an image of the ether vibration. It is audible and always produced by a shock. It is therefore called ahata or “struck”.
Struck sound is said to give pleasure. Unstruck sound leads to liberation (Narada Purana).

Tube Kingdom 111

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Language: Japanese
Release date: January 30, 2024
ISBN: 9784880735092

The opening project of Issue 111, the winter 2024 issue, is "Listening to the latest vacuum tube amplifiers with new and old high-sensitivity speakers." The modern JBL Project K2 S9900 and the vintage Altec 604E + 612 silver box. We will play two high-sensitivity speaker systems with vacuum tube amplifiers that have a wide variety of output tubes and circuit configurations, and explore the appeal of the sound that can only be obtained from speakers with excellent response.

The experimental workshop is "Verifying the musicality of 21 open-type headphones." We will listen to the musicality of the latest headphones, which continue to evolve, from electrostatic types to high-grade models priced at over 400,000 yen.

"The ultimate vintage amplifier = Western Electric listening" is a listening test of the famous amplifiers of Western Electric (WE), which continue to be the envy of enthusiasts. We will listen to them with the old monitor speaker JBL 4320 and Altec 604E + 612 (silver box) and report on the appeal of the WE sound.

Two models of "My Handicraft" by a skilled amplifier designer are introduced. We bring you the development report of the U-BROS220DSR Limited Edition, a vacuum tube phono equalizer for optical cartridges, and the production report of the E406N single power amplifier, a classic European direct-heated triode. The development report of the U-BROS220DSR Limited Edition is a noteworthy article that also reveals the characteristics of RIAA and old EQ curves with optical cartridges.

The DIY gathering "A modern single amplifier that excites the classic 50 tube without chokes" features a graduate student who chose the 50 output tube, which is said to be difficult to excite, for the output tube of his first vacuum tube amplifier. Issue 111 is also full of must-read projects for vacuum tube audio fans.

(Translated from the Stereo Sound online catalog)

Tube Kingdom 111
Tube Kingdom 111
Tube Kingdom 111